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Tools for SE education

These are some tools particularly useful for SE education, built by the same team behind (i.e. sister projects).


RepoSense is a contribution analysis tool for Git repositories. It is particularly useful for those who want a chronological visualisation of the code contributions and commits made to a group of repositories. For example, educators can use RepoSense to track the progress of student projects and to examine the code written by each student.

RepoSense is available at


TEAMMATES is a free online service for managing feedback paths in classes. A common (but not the only) use is for students to give peer feedback to other students.

TEAMMATES is available at


MarkBind is a tool for generating more dynamic websites from Markdown text. Optimized for creating text-heavy websites e.g., eLearning websites, online instruction manuals, project documentation etc.

Example websites generated by MarkBind are here.

MarkBind is available at